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Online Jigsaw Puzzle «Ladies»

2020-02-25 00:00:00

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Collage. The artist is Mikhail Khokhlachev (Михаил Хохлачев / Michael Cheval / Майкл Шеваль). #МихаилХохлачев #MichaelCheval #mikhailkhokhlachev #collage #painting # lady # surrealism   Solid areas: 1%


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tanya377 39
2020-02-28 13:18
Thanks for the puzzle, interesting portraits. However, after Assembly the picture I got is not complete, the lower ladies came only to the waist. And this is not the first time. Don't know why this happens?

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Lena2020 48  2020-02-28 14:34 + 3
tanya377, thanksflows
just saw the picture fully assembled and is also clipped at the bottom somehowwhat
olenenok 51 Solver Rank  2020-02-28 14:57 + 4
Yes so why we have the steel vertical to crop image in recent years, the question to @Support
olenenok 51 Solver Rank  2020-02-28 15:02 + 2
If you have found an inaccurate or erroneous translation of the website interface elements, please let us know: @GrandGames
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