Rebus solution
SPOILERThe number 345 nearby UMBRELLA causes us to use only three letters from this word, namely B,R and E, so we have BRE.The letter V is just V, nothing else. Then, there is a picture of a CITY with one comma mark on the left side. It gives us ITY. A comma mark on each side of the FISH means that we should delete the first and the last letters in the word. Now we have IS. T-short, shorts and skirt - altogether we have CLOTHES. Minus three first letters (three comma marks on the left) is equal THES. Next is the OWL with "W=U". Let's replace W by U and get OUL. Then, the HOOF is pictured, with two comma marks on the left. So we have OF. At last, we can see a palette with paints. The arrow points from the number 134 to the WHITE color. It's not difficult to guess, that we should use the first, third and forth letters from the word. So, we have WIT. Finally, we have solved the rebus: Brevity is the soul of wit. ( "Hamlet" )
P.S. This quote doesn't apply to the above ;)