A Belarus nonogram is a multicolor or black-and-white image composed of a small number of cells, or pixels, comprising a 5x5 to 40x40 grid, in which cells are mixed up. The number in a cell indicates how far it has been removed from its original location (the horizontal and vertical distances are added up).
The cells can be swapped; to do this, one has to click one cell and then the other one. After clicking, the numbers in the cells that can be swapped with the selected one are highlighted in blue. If you fail to locate the actual location of a cell, it remains highlighted after the cells are swapped, and the cell can be moved to another place. To remove the highlighting, click the cell once again. To make the solution process easier, the previously selected options remain highlighted as well, but its color is changed to orange, and a new option for the current solution is added. After locating where these options cross, which is marked in pink, one will identify the actual location of the cell. Thus, the true location can be identified in 2-3 mouse clicks.