Fill-a-Pix is a black-and-white image coded with the help of numbers. Before it is solved, the puzzle looks like a table with cells containing numbers from 0 to 9. The numbers show how many cells in the area, including the market cell and the eight cells around it, are colored. Some of the numbers for empty cells are hidden to make the puzzle more interesting to solve.
Fill-a-Pix is also known as Mosaic and reminds of the Minesweeper in its rules and mechanics.
By default, cells are painted grey. To mark them as white or black, click the right or left mouse button correspondingly or tap the touch screen. You can swap the functions of the mouse buttons by pressing the button with black and white triangles on it. To make the solving process easier, the numbers in the cells change depending on the game progress.
- The red color indicates that the number of cells marked black is higher than required or that the number of available cells is not enough to reach the set number.
- The blue color shows that the number of cells market black meets the set number, but there are also free cells that can be marked white.
- The green color means that all cells have been marked correctly and that the number in the cell aligns with the number of black cells.
the brown color is used to show that all adjacent cells can only be marked black.
In most puzzles, especially large ones, the software deletes as many number clues as possible to make the solution process as difficult as possible and reduce the number of solutions to a minimum, specifically, to one answer, ideally.
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