Topics: peoples The nonogram has a single solution and can be solved without complex methods such as forcing or using contradictions.?#профессия#profession
Easy to understand and memorize the signals of the traffic controler? -if the stick looks in your mouth,make a right turn -if the stick looks to the left,go as the Queen -chest and back driver wall -side stood up,hands in his pockets, eat right and right -picked up the stick up is not in vain-cannot move further!
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2020-04-02 17:35
vova23rus, thank you, you have to remember, my husband will suggest, if anything, although he really hates when I'm in the co-driver
2022-09-22 17:20
А еще легче запомнить: Ехать всегда можно "из рукава - в рукав". Смотрим как стоит регулировщик, въезжаем в один рукав и выезжаем из второго рукава.
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2022-09-22 22:52
2022-09-23 06:32
To activate block mode, press and hold down CTRLand move the mouse while pressing the left or right button. You will see a frame with translucent filling. As soon as you release the mouse button, all the cells that have been highlighted will be colored as selected, or marked with crosses if you right-clicked them initially.
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