She according to etiquette Asked how are you doing? And between the feet of the ladies of this a Broom.
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2020-03-26 07:14
milashka2011 as drawn, and it is written
2020-03-26 07:14
nadyadyaconova,, Jurist1948, brickshooter3, thanks for the comments and to all who have decided, for the solution
Like 3 0
2020-03-26 12:06
I was tipsy,and flying on a broomstick Though myself I do not believe in these superstitions
Like 6 0
2020-04-03 21:12
vova23rus , cool ditty, thank you
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2020-04-04 22:57
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2021-01-15 02:27
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2022-09-24 03:35
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To activate block mode, press and hold down CTRLand move the mouse while pressing the left or right button. You will see a frame with translucent filling. As soon as you release the mouse button, all the cells that have been highlighted will be colored as selected, or marked with crosses if you right-clicked them initially.
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