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Mahjong №68459

3 63%
Butterflies #3
2019-03-16 09:55
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gst3221776 23
2019-10-03 19:30
it would be difficult not solved

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gst93430008 17
2019-10-04 15:06
Oh Fig, it's fine. I chose three prompts dance . And there are those that head scratching in the truest sense of the words star . How cool, never pass by Mahjong, where someone wrote that it is difficult - well, I think I'll show the class. However, for me the class was able to show only 2 times ignat , it often turns out that really difficult. The only thing that's confusing is the faded pictures and like the butterfly, good, I'm working in a computer decide ignat . In the laptop or the phone has been killed.

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gst93430008 17
2019-10-04 16:01
Great Mahjong, I enjoyed it so much that I am again without prompting decided. Super!

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Ekaterina58 44 Solver Rank
2020-02-21 08:42

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z75q89if34 37
2022-08-19 11:44
сложно, но решила angelalchemist-1avto-gonkiballoon-2

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anikina 54  2022-08-19 13:33 + 1
z75q89if34, поздравляю!!! firework
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Спасибо! balloons
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BabaVera 41 Solver Rank
2023-09-14 12:08
А я молодец, хоть и затянула с решением! Не легкий! Но принимая во внимание попутные бытовые дела и мой возраст, заслужила вкусняшку. Пойду отведаю!!!

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SDFGHJ 50 Solver Rank  2023-09-14 12:44 + 2
Поздравляю с Победой! trophydaisy А после вкусняшки-подзарядкиvishenka-na-pirozhnom другие головоломки будут решаться на раз-два. klass
Vi2 45 Solver Rank  2023-09-14 14:43 + 2
Головоломки засохнут и будут не по зубам - лучше решать горяченькими! ;)
BabaVera 41 Solver Rank  2023-09-14 15:51 + 2
Неверное Ваше суждение, не всегда в рейтинге, но все решаемы. Особенно "пирамида" занимательна!wine-drinker
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