Nonograms, also known as japanese crosswords, are a rectangular grid with numbers written in the left and top parts, which you need to use to find the encrypted image. The numbers on the left and top correspond to continuous blocks of the same color in the row or column.
Don't know how to solve nonograms yet? Check out our detailed tutorial video.
Numbers 0-9 on the keyboard - select color
WASD, Home, End, PageUP, PageDown - move the nonogram
Plus, minus, or square brackets - decrease/increase the field size
QE - fix/unfix panels with digits.
Arrows - move the cursor across the field, press Shift to draw, Ctrl to put crosses
CTRL+Z - undo move
CTRL+SHIFT+Z - redo undone move
CTRL+S - save
Scroll - move the crossword vertically, or zoom in/out if the nonogram is smaller/larger than the screen. Press Ctrl to zoom. Press Shift to scroll horizontally
Left mouse button, touch - draw with the selected color (Ctrl/Shift changes the drawing mode)
Right mouse button - add crosses to mark empty cells found
Tab - shows the block that can be found by simple intersection for the current row and column, if it exists.