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Alex54s even 1

nick-1 Solver Rank
! #404425   2020-03-10 00:32
Alex54's even 1. This is too much. vdvstarsleep

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olenenok Solver Rank  2020-03-10 00:34 + 6
And this is just a question to @Support as you can for 1 s system to cheat.
nick-1 Solver Rank  2020-03-10 00:50 + 6
And I'm getting to that. drinks
GingerMartian Solver Rank  2020-03-10 01:19 + 4
One second?! star wow
MiaColucci Solver Rank  2020-03-10 01:27 + 4
when I was in the mission nonogrammy decided I some time since 1 wrote, although in reality it was much more what
so maybe it's just a glitch repa
nick-1 Solver Rank  2020-03-10 01:59 + 3
You still need to understand. If a glitch, so to fix it, and if not ... femida
GingerMartian Solver Rank  2020-03-10 02:27 + 3
Comrades, I found this software ((( Even Google long it took. But he decides EVERYTHING, that is cut-you solution to all, all puzzles, especially where 2-3 with (and Hitori this is possible!), questioned. We put our hands into this pot with the snakes, figuratively speaking?)

of the positive results: we found a lot of cool toys that probably over time you would start the engine) Balls of Makara, number track already dazzled)) I wish all this wealth Yes grandgames))
LauraMenshikova Solver Rank  2020-03-10 11:46 + 3
По поводу 1 секунды. Думаю, многие с этим сталкивались, но, возможно, не обращали внимания. Загляните, для интереса, в свои сохранения, пробегитесь глазами по результатам. В моей практике такое бывало при одновременно открытых двух окнах с разными головоломками, если начато решение одной, не закончено, начато решение другой. Я понимаю, что так поступать не логично, но такие ситуации бывают. Человек отвлекся, вернулся... У меня такое было, когда проходила достижение Первопроходец - по времени появилась новая головоломка, сразу принялась за ее решение, а начатая ранее уже пойдет с некорректным результатом, если ее не перестартануть. Как-то так...
И еще такое бывает, если инет не стабильный, - отключился и быстро восстановил соединение...
Наверное, возможны и другие объяснения.
И никто от этого не застрахован, к сожалению.
olenenok Solver Rank  2020-03-10 14:12 + 5
It's one thing when you accidentally opened a second window and allow it all happen , but when systematically occurs in one and the same this is his personal system ignat
Tane4ka Solver Rank  2020-03-10 14:26 + 5
As far as I know, the missions this bug is already fixed, I don't know if it'll affect the same cases outside of the missions (but I like it only in missions has happened)
Well, about "personal system" - what do you say to someone like "assert", probably ignat
LauraMenshikova Solver Rank  2020-03-10 14:50 + 4
About this "personal system" once and thought there was no... Nothing excelled/was due, naive ignat
Tane4ka Solver Rank  2020-03-10 14:59 + 5
Why waste, a glitch on the site, but I think not in this particular case, I also have not seen "record" results from this.... mmm... young man ignat
nick-1 Solver Rank  2020-03-10 17:58 + 0
Thank you all for the support. aplod Last summer brought clean water to one "Woe to the player". In the end it was removed. metla I Hope that in this case justice will prevail. gai For the purity of our small but friendly community!!! vashe NO PASARAN!!! robin
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