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Files are accepted only puzzles with one solution...

Lena2020 48
! #424462   2020-05-15 06:47
Files are accepted only puzzles with one solution, not very easy this matter "to fit one solution" where-then add cells where some is removed, but before publishing I always click "Analysis" and publish only when he writes about the only solution.

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hanna_rim23 44 Solver Rank  2020-05-15 11:06 + 1

Hello, I'm new in creation, don't see why not pass moderation
but the analysis showed that there 1 solution
Acceleration 34  2020-05-15 11:34 + 2
This means that your crossword puzzle impossible to solve, no human methods of solving, nor too much, a lot of options to sort through is necessary. I found at least 5 solutions.
the Items highlighted in red can be different. People can do it without the analyzer, just remembering the basic placement of the figure, not so much.
Lena2020 48  2020-05-15 11:42 + 1
Hello, my analyzer never failed, even basic selection shows click now to Finalize Japanese crossword and then the word analysis if more than one option will show try to add something or remove, I remember my first YAK, too, because it rejected and I could not understand how to make one decision, now a bit of experience appeared
Lena2020 48  2020-05-15 11:49 + 1
If you allow me some advice
to shorten the stem, remove the part that is behind the leaf, and leaf to raise above, I think rose will benefit from this.

close selected (all is possible, and then to remove one and pass through the analyzer) cells that meet but do not intersect., ie touch each other at one point
nettaly 52  2020-05-15 12:12 + 1
"the analysis showed that there 1 solution"

Perhaps you made a mistake and uploaded for moderation is not the option of the Yak, because I see that the Analyzer does not write a variant of (see the cap of Yak).
tetra 45 Solver Rank  2020-05-15 17:49 + 1
Perhaps the author sees no difference between the only solution and "when used in the basic recruitment number: 1". Rebounds should be avoided, and the only option they do not guarantee.
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