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Post #434218

Vovka. 48 Solver Rank
! #434218   2020-06-22 22:22
"Кумир наших ребятишек. Кто не любит Чебурашку и его верного друга крокодила Гену, которые мечтают подружить всех детей на свете"

А ещё Чебурашка - непримиримый борец с засильем чуждого медиаконтента!
Долой аниме и прочих покемонов! Да здравствует Чебурашка!kopen

Чебурашка выйдет в чисто поле,
Меховые уши навострит,
Слушать станет: как там мумитроли
В мумидоле? Как там айболит?

Чем там дышит ёжик из тумана?
Пьет ли можжевеловый чаёк?
В лапах цепких у него бердана.
Взгляд его внимателен и строг.

Для врагов преграда и препона.
Для друзей надежда и оплот.
Не прорвутся злые покемоны!
Гадкий телепузик не пройдет!

Он стоит на страже мирной жизни.
Дрозд щебечет, яблони в цвету...
Дышится легко в моей отчизне,
Ибо Чебурашка на посту!

Борис Панкин, 2003г.

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SDFGHJ 50 Solver Rank  2020-06-22 22:37 + 9
Thank You,Vovka. hands for the great Verse!!!flowerssolnce Also a fan of Cheburashka with Gena,Hedgehog klass other characters :podmig ,and to all sorts of pok?mon with bellies breathe evenly what But how govoritstsa-On taste and color all felt-tip pens different whathihi
t98743235 53 Solver Rank  2020-06-22 22:47 + 8
My childhood was Cheburashka - one of my favorite toys!

"I was once a strange toy nameless
To which the store no one would answer
Now I Cheburashka me every pooch
At a meeting right paw takes the

I had no luck at first and even had it
to my birthday no one came
Now I'm with Gena he's an extraordinary
He is the best in the world crocodile

I was once a strange toy nameless
To which the store no one would answer
Now I Cheburashka me every pooch
At a meeting right paw takes the"
nettaly 52  2020-06-22 23:11 + 3
Anime you are so vain all under one comb...
And Cheburashka nice to me was not unlike the Hedgehog (in the fog).
And who remembers the cartoon about the bear who gained superpowers from the thunder of the honey that was cooked his grandmother (I think grandmother).
Vovka. 48 Solver Rank  2020-06-23 04:20 + 3
Vovka. 48 Solver Rank  2020-06-23 04:21 + 2
Vovka. 48 Solver Rank  2020-06-23 04:33 + 5
@nettaly, I'm just kiddingsmutil someone likes anime, and thank God. Any cultural phenomenon has a right to be, if it finds its audience. And hentai probably fit thingcrazy
Personally, I don't understand Japanese, but to their credit, they created their own animation!good
Vovka. 48 Solver Rank  2020-06-23 04:48 + 4
By the way, in Japan, a remake of Cheburashka, and not the first.
Lena2020 48  2020-06-23 05:34 + 4
What an interesting discussion it turned out, all the characters are good if they teach good :)
nettaly 52  2020-06-23 11:46 + 4
"Personally, I don't understand Japanese, but to their credit, they created their own animation"

Similar :) the animation is different from the familiar to us not only with panache, but the staging of the problem coupled with a solution thereof. Look at the record under a completely different angle...
Vovka. 48 Solver Rank  2020-06-23 12:48 + 3
@Lena2020,flows well, tady all right, welcome from the anime right and rushingignat there's just an overabundance of kindnessignat
Vovka. 48 Solver Rank  2020-06-23 12:50 + 3
@nettaly, hands so I am about the same worldview they have more. The whole world thinks of the Japanese, to put it mildly, wondrous good: but that is why Japan, the Japanese and their culture is interesting to us. If all people are equal, there would be no point in travelling!
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