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Registered: 2015-05-19 20:42
Last entrance: 2025-03-23 22:28   Rank: 45 22.1%  

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Awards (3)

Advanced League
Metik Solver Rank
! /nonograms/picross/volnushki   2021-03-27 16:41
Извиняюсь, возможно не тактичным будет.. Но мне совершенно не понравилось, Особенно то, что цвета сливаются..

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anikina  2021-03-27 15:46 + 2
Lena2020  2021-03-27 16:41 + 5
А я меняю цвета при решении кроссворда на те, которые глазу приятны, есть же такая возможность теперь.
Metik Solver Rank
! /info/firstcraft   2020-01-04 15:36
God! Please explain to me what this is for????? Honestly, until now did not consider himself stupid. This type of "diversified" being on this site? You can just solve the puzzles and nothing else to do? Or sooner or later it must be something "craft" to create some recipes that you buy to sell... or to use on the site will not work? Thank you, if someone in plain language explain all this.

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olenenok Solver Rank  2020-01-04 15:33 + 4
You may not craft , if You are not interested.
olenenok Solver Rank  2020-01-04 15:36 + 6
Setting up a profile, put a tick in it
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