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Belarusian Coal

2019-05-23 04:53 Bruno Stages40 T35 B4 S7 G29  

Mission #359. The mission collected the Belarusian 3x4 puzzles with numbers, giving the Coal.

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Status: You do not participate in this mission
22yjz Solver Rank
2019-05-23 13:58
Легкая, приятная миссия. Спасибо! rose

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Bruno  2019-05-23 16:05 + 0
Спасибо за комментарий! good porukam
2019-05-25 19:25
Понравилась миссия, спасибо!vverh

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2019-06-27 20:35
Быстренько. И разминка, и тренировка. Спасибо!

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2020-07-16 00:22
Dear Satovcha, please help!
Received an error message in this mission - gone one stage and so go through it. Who can check to prove or disprove? If you put here a print screen of this bugs, I promise to make a mission for your order (type of puzzle or issue).

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Tane4ka Solver Rank  2020-07-16 01:06 + 4
I checked - in the fourth stage it was written that jigsaw is removed. I tried to restore it, but didn't make it - the puzzles, but "blind", without image. But since belpacl with numbers, then "solve" it. More unfortunately, I can't help it :)
so it now looks like
nettaly  2020-07-16 11:00 + 2
Thank you, @Tane4ka rose
I Hope @Support can restore point. hacker
If you have found an inaccurate or erroneous translation of the website interface elements, please let us know: @GrandGames
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