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PostBot 25
2023-09-19 04:57

Good morning! Have a nice day, everyone! Summary for yesterday:

Most puzzles solved (by count): @imjustbetter; @mvt222; @lytgh;

The most lucky players (based on the sum of the prices of the dropped prizes): @Nata2803; @imjustbetter; @mvt222;

Most popular puzzles (according to the number of solutions to any puzzle based on a puzzle picture): tarelki; spetsii_v_chashkah; dingo_s_shchenkami;

The most popular nonograms (according to the number of solutions to any puzzles based on them): pianist_u66224; dva_serdtsa_5; belka_64;

Most Popular Puzzles: №407579; №406148; №405744;

Like + 6     1
Blbbzk 47 Solver Rank  2023-09-19 06:24 + 5
PostBot 25
2023-09-20 04:57

Good morning! Have a nice day, everyone! Summary for yesterday:

Most puzzles solved (by count): @imjustbetter; @mikl; @milutin03;

The most lucky players (based on the sum of the prices of the dropped prizes): @mikl; @NATAKAPA; @milutin03;

Most popular puzzles (according to the number of solutions to any puzzle based on a puzzle picture): spetsii_v_chashkah; tarelki; aziatskij_mir;

The most popular nonograms (according to the number of solutions to any puzzles based on them): dva_serdtsa_5; tyaga_k_znaniyam; kot_132;

Most Popular Puzzles: №407875; №406765; №407650;

Like + 6     3
Blbbzk 47 Solver Rank  2023-09-20 07:03 + 5
anikina 54  2023-09-20 12:19 + 4
@mikl , @NATAKAPA , @milutin03 , поздравляю с удачей!!! firework firework firework
NATAKAPA 55 Solver Rank  2023-09-20 16:07 + 4
PostBot 25
2023-09-21 04:57

Good morning! Have a nice day, everyone! Summary for yesterday:

Most puzzles solved (by count): @imjustbetter; @Dymok; @83696664;

The most lucky players (based on the sum of the prices of the dropped prizes): @imjustbetter; @NATAKAPA; @Nata2803;

Most popular puzzles (according to the number of solutions to any puzzle based on a puzzle picture): spetsii_v_chashkah; sladkoe_s_klubnikoj; u_kormushki;

The most popular nonograms (according to the number of solutions to any puzzles based on them): masha_s_brattsem; kon_38; drakon_44;

Most Popular Puzzles: №401403; №398842; №401146;

Like + 6     3
anikina 54  2023-09-21 05:06 + 5
@NATAKAPA , поздравляю с удачей!!! firework firework firework
Blbbzk 47 Solver Rank  2023-09-21 06:46 + 5
NATAKAPA 55 Solver Rank  2023-09-21 06:56 + 5
PostBot 25
2023-09-22 04:57

Good morning! Have a nice day, everyone! Summary for yesterday:

Most puzzles solved: @imjustbetter; @lytgh; @Volfger;

The most lucky: @imjustbetter; @milutin03; @Meduzia;

Most popular puzzles: uzbekskie_lepeshki; glintvejn__2; buzhenina_4;

The most popular nonograms: zhelud_10; sobaka_188; kon_38;

Most Popular Puzzles: №407082; №383533; №394555;

Like + 6     2
anikina 54  2023-09-22 05:15 + 5
@milutin03 , @Meduzia , поздравляю с удачей!!! firework firework firework
Blbbzk 47 Solver Rank  2023-09-22 07:12 + 5
PostBot 25
2023-09-23 04:57

Good morning! Have a nice day, everyone! Summary for yesterday:

Most puzzles solved: @imjustbetter; @lytgh; @yurchuk;

The most lucky: @imjustbetter; @NATAKAPA; @lytgh;

Most popular puzzles: spetsii_v_chashkah; assorti_narezka; tandir_i_eda;

The most popular nonograms: sport_8; krestonosets_3; antilopa_oriks;

Most Popular Puzzles: №406560; №406119; №398851;

Like + 5     3
Blbbzk 47 Solver Rank  2023-09-23 09:58 + 4
anikina 54  2023-09-23 12:38 + 5
@NATAKAPA , поздравляю с удачей!!! firework firework firework
NATAKAPA 55 Solver Rank  2023-09-23 16:54 + 4
PostBot 25
2023-09-24 04:57

Good morning! Have a nice day, everyone! Summary for yesterday:

Most puzzles solved: @imjustbetter; @Maximchik; @Barzuga;

The most lucky: @Barzuga; @imjustbetter; @LnvtfR;

Most popular puzzles: zagotovki_3; kot_volshebnik; bereg_morya1;

The most popular nonograms: kurortnik; ritsar_17; pes_20;

Most Popular Puzzles: №383390; №400493; №382387;

Like + 6     1
Blbbzk 47 Solver Rank  2023-09-24 06:17 + 4
PostBot 25
2023-09-25 04:57

Good morning! Have a nice day, everyone! Summary for yesterday:

Most puzzles solved: @imjustbetter; @Maximchik; @NATAKAPA;

The most lucky: @imjustbetter; @NATAKAPA; @Volfger;

Most popular puzzles: chaj_sredi_listev; sushi_16; kollazh_47;

The most popular nonograms: malish_18; kuvshin_29; kurortnik;

Most Popular Puzzles: №406135; №407505; №406758;

Like + 6     3
Blbbzk 47 Solver Rank  2023-09-25 07:02 + 4
anikina 54  2023-09-25 10:26 + 4
@NATAKAPA , поздравляю с удачей!!! firework firework firework
NATAKAPA 55 Solver Rank  2023-09-25 13:04 + 4
PostBot 25
2023-09-26 04:57

Good morning! Have a nice day, everyone! Summary for yesterday:

Most puzzles solved: @lytgh; @NATAKAPA; @Zichisha;

The most lucky: @Nata2803; @NATAKAPA; @Percy;

Most popular puzzles: lebedi_4; tyulpani_i_kruzheva; grushi_i_vinograd;

The most popular nonograms: morozhenoe_40; mak_18; kuvshin_29;

Most Popular Puzzles: №406461; №407463; №407553;

Like + 5     3
Blbbzk 47 Solver Rank  2023-09-26 06:09 + 5
anikina 54  2023-09-26 12:25 + 6
@Nata2803 , @NATAKAPA , @Percy , поздравляю с удачей!!! firework firework firework
NATAKAPA 55 Solver Rank  2023-09-26 16:53 + 6
PostBot 25
2023-09-27 04:57

Good morning! Have a nice day, everyone! Summary for yesterday:

Most puzzles solved: @lytgh; @Zichisha; @ytgjujlf3939;

The most lucky: @NATAKAPA; @Nata2803; @Barzuga;

Most popular puzzles: ovoshchnoj_kollazh; dveri_; vitaminnij_salat;

The most popular nonograms: koster_6; tsvetok_225; sobaka_189;

Most Popular Puzzles: №399682; №401023; №400544;

Like + 5     3
Blbbzk 47 Solver Rank  2023-09-27 07:49 + 5
anikina 54  2023-09-27 12:17 + 5
@NATAKAPA , @Nata2803 , поздравляю с удачей!!! firework firework firework
NATAKAPA 55 Solver Rank  2023-09-27 16:46 + 4
PostBot 25
2023-09-28 04:57

Good morning! Have a nice day, everyone! Summary for yesterday:

Most puzzles solved: @lytgh; @ytgjujlf3939; @Zichisha;

The most lucky: @Barzuga; @NATAKAPA; @lytgh;

Most popular puzzles: kakao_i_pechene; buket_na_stole_4; sobachka_v_rozah;

The most popular nonograms: mish_i_sir_2; koster_6; tsvetok_225;

Most Popular Puzzles: №406159; №382847; №407656;

Like + 7     3
Blbbzk 47 Solver Rank  2023-09-28 07:04 + 6
anikina 54  2023-09-28 11:10 + 5
@NATAKAPA , поздравляю с удачей!!! firework firework firework
NATAKAPA 55 Solver Rank  2023-09-28 11:33 + 5
PostBot 25
2023-09-29 04:57

Good morning! Have a nice day, everyone! Summary for yesterday:

Most puzzles solved: @Goroshek; @lytgh; @ytgjujlf3939;

The most lucky: @Goroshek; @NATAKAPA; @lytgh;

Most popular puzzles: buket_na_stole_4; frukti_i_yagodi_12; vkusniy_natyurmort_1;

The most popular nonograms: mish_i_sir_2; zub_2; avtomobil_37;

Most Popular Puzzles: №401472; №400202; №384625;

Like + 9     3
Blbbzk 47 Solver Rank  2023-09-29 06:24 + 6
anikina 54  2023-09-29 12:44 + 6
@NATAKAPA , поздравляю с удачей!!! firework firework firework
NATAKAPA 55 Solver Rank  2023-09-29 14:30 + 6
PostBot 25
2023-09-30 04:57

Good morning! Have a nice day, everyone! Summary for yesterday:

Most puzzles solved: @lytgh; @t98743235; @Barzuga;

The most lucky: @NATAKAPA; @Vi2; @t98743235;

Most popular puzzles: ovoshchnoj_kollazh; krossovki_v_tsvete; kollazh_48;

The most popular nonograms: koster_6; volnistij_popugaj_2; lipsy;

Most Popular Puzzles: №400784; №405402; №398995;

Like + 7     3
Blbbzk 47 Solver Rank  2023-09-30 06:13 + 5
anikina 54  2023-09-30 12:30 + 5
@NATAKAPA , @Vi2 , @t98743235 , поздравляю с удачей!!! firework firework firework
NATAKAPA 55 Solver Rank  2023-09-30 12:33 + 5
PostBot 25
2023-10-01 04:57

Good morning! Have a nice day, everyone! Summary for yesterday:

Most puzzles solved: @89602580433; @yukihyo93; @t98743235;

The most lucky: @NATAKAPA; @Percy; @Vi2;

Most popular puzzles: kollazh_48; okroshka_2; ovoshchnoj_kollazh;

The most popular nonograms: belka_65; ptitsa_108; zayats_45;

Most Popular Puzzles: №407904; №408187; №407939;

Like + 6     3
Blbbzk 47 Solver Rank  2023-10-01 06:52 + 4
anikina 54  2023-10-01 11:25 + 4
@NATAKAPA , @Percy , @Vi2 , поздравляю с удачей!!! firework firework firework
NATAKAPA 55 Solver Rank  2023-10-01 11:28 + 5
PostBot 25
2023-10-02 04:57

Good morning! Have a nice day, everyone! Summary for yesterday:

Most puzzles solved: @lytgh; @Tauriel; @mikl;

The most lucky: @Tauriel; @mikl; @NATAKAPA;

Most popular puzzles: ovoshchnoj_kollazh; kopchyonoe_myaso_; volshebnie_loskutki;

The most popular nonograms: ptitsa_108; arbuz_25; belka_65;

Most Popular Puzzles: №384537; №407067; №408294;

Like + 7     3
Blbbzk 47 Solver Rank  2023-10-02 07:05 + 5
anikina 54  2023-10-02 09:37 + 5
@mikl , @NATAKAPA , поздравляю с удачей!!! firework firework firework
NATAKAPA 55 Solver Rank  2023-10-02 19:04 + 5
PostBot 25
2023-10-03 04:57

Good morning! Have a nice day, everyone! Summary for yesterday:

Most puzzles solved: @lytgh; @Volfger; @mikl;

The most lucky: @s3777; @lytgh; @mikl;

Most popular puzzles: volshebnie_loskutki; ovoshchnoj_kollazh; pomoshchnitsa_1;

The most popular nonograms: gondola_u66500a; venetsiya_3; belka_65;

Most Popular Puzzles: №408145; №402094; №409217;

Like + 6     1
Blbbzk 47 Solver Rank  2023-10-03 06:27 + 4
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